Our Team Fundraising Page
Why We Support KARM
Join the LMU - show no MRSA team in supporting the men, women and children who come to KARM at a time of poverty, homelessness or experiencing the ravages of addicition. KARM provides the rescue services of food and shelter, but also provides health care, mental health services, social services and life-transforming programs to guests to help them become HOMELESS NO MORE!
Our Team
- AR Aaron Robinson
- KS Kyler Sudhoff
- NE Nicolas Ellsworth $0.00
- SP Samuel Parrott
- AF Alexis Franco
- TY Trent Young $0.00
- PB Peyton Bailey $0.00
- GP Gunj Patel
- TK Tabitha Kaneshiro
- MA Madison Albert $0.00
- SB sydney bumbarger
- KH Katherine Harris
- OC Olivia Cohen $0.00
- GW Greysen Whitt
- BF Bobby Feller
- AS Annika Struthwolf
- MW Madelyn Winkelmann $0.00
- RL Rachel Lawman
- JP John Park
- BB Bailey Brewer $0.00
- RL Rachel Lokits
- RN Rachel Noonan
- DC Dawn Chung
- AP Alexa Pagnanelli $0.00
- OD Olivia Drafts $0.00
- SF Shannon Flaherty
- JG Julia Garner $0.00
- RK Rachel Kohn $0.00
- JK jaan kelly Team Captain $0.00
- KH Ketura Hendershot
- SB sydney bumbarger
- SC sarah campbell
- SC Sarah Campbell
- EA Ekele Andrews
- CN Catherine Neal $0.00
- AA Addie Allison $0.00
- MG Maddie Graham $0.00
- AR ali roesch
- BD Brianna Delaney $0.00
- EC Emma Chromy $0.00
- VB Virginia Boyd
- IO Isabella Ortega
- GB Gerri Black
- GP Gela Pamukova
- AP Allie Parkerson
- HC harper cherry $0.00
- SP Sydney Paul $0.00
- SM Sydney May $0.00
- CH Cameron Higgins
- AW Anastasia Watson
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Recent Activity
Jaan Kelley donated $1,000.00 to LMU- show no MRSA
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Ketura Hendershot joined LMU- show no MRSA
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Allie Parkerson joined LMU- show no MRSA
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Cameron Higgins joined LMU- show no MRSA
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Anastasia Watson joined LMU- show no MRSA
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Our Supporters
- Jaan Kelley June 2023 $1,000.00
- Lincoln Memorial University May 2023 $2,500.00
- Lincoln Memorial University May 2023 $2,500.00
- Jaan Kelley June 2023 $1,000.00